Monday, October 06, 2003

Quick Update from Allergy Hell

My parents are coming today for a visit. Our house is, at its very best, messy. It had slid into excuse-me-is-this-the county-dump mode recently. So we had an archaeological dig this weekend and discovered the top of the coffee table. Of course, we promplty re-buried it...

We must have generated a dust cloud large enough to be seen from space, because all my evil allergies are out to get me. I am a sniffly mess.

Mikro decided to help matters further by attempting to bite off the boobs that feed him. So I am sore to boot. And the house still doesn't look like anything a sane woman would allow her mother to see. (So what am I worried about? We all know I'm nuts...)

I guess I can always hope my mom forgot her eye glasses...

Gotta go do the whirlwind bleach the kitchen countertops tour... Wish I could blare some classic 80s rock, but The Boy is sleeping, so I somehow have to convince my butt to move without the aid of music...

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