Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Idiotic Lawsuits

Worth a read: The 2003 Dumb-Ass Corporate Lawsuit Awards, which includes gems such as:

7.) More flammable breakfast foods. Allstate insurance seems to have found a hobby (see # 10). The huge corporation is suing the Kellogg corporation alleging that Pop-Tarts are also dangerously flammable and that Kellogg, and not Allstate, ought to pay for damage to burned homes that Allstate was hired to insure. These suits are clogging up courts and costing us all money in at least three states: Ohio, New Jersey and the similar "flaming foods" case in Michigan, above. Beware of Pop Tarts of mass destruction!

Its no wonder Justice wears a blindfold. I bet she's wishing for earplugs!

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