Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Whole Lotta Teethin' Goin' On

He's sprouted two new teeth, flanking the bottom middle ones, and thereare all sorts of bumpies in his mouth. It seems like the majority of his teeth are all coming in at once. He is in turns sweet and adorable, then cranky and demanding and miserable.

I haven't been able to sit at the computer for over a week because my back and neck have been horrendously painful. I've been pretty much flat on my back, except for nursing the Boy. Sometimes I just had topick him up, which set my back off again, so its been a vicious cycle of pain, rest, mama agravates her back, more pain, etc. This is what I was afraid of-- the reason I put off having a baby for so long. I truly am not physically well equiped to keep lifting a 19 pounder...

Yes, he's 19 lbs., 3 oz. and 28.5 inches tall and his head is 17 inches around. He's way more interested in cruising and crawling than nursing or eating at the moment, though he absolutely adores yogurt.

He had his nine month well baby visit last week, and all is well, except his bloodwork came up a bit hinky on leukocytes, which the pediatrician said could be due to allergies or a cold, both of which he is just getting over... I am worried, though the doc said not to be... Trying not to, but I have an anxiety disorder. Panic is what I seem to be good at.

Anyway, I am not going to risk sitting much longer, because my back and neck are starting to remind me of what will happen if I overdo it... I have alot of catching up to do, online and off. My house is a total mess, and if I can't at least straighten up a bit soon, I will go stark raving mad from the claustrophobia of being surrounded by all our stuff...

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