Tuesday, December 09, 2003

My Little Elf is Nocturnal

Mikro woke up screaming at 3 am. It wasn't a diaper or hunger issue. After a few minutes of rocking, he calmed down and was all smiles.

Do infants have nightmares?

Once he was happy again, he absolutely refused to go back to sleep. He wanted to play. Wouldn't let me sleep either, because he kept bopping me in the head with his stuffed pony toy. He finally ran out of steam at 430, and slept till 730.

He's been up since then, and I dressed him in a baby Santa suit. I set up a Christmas-y backdrop and took some photos. Most have red eye issues, unfortunately. I hate the flash on my Canon S30 digital camera. It is way too powerful, even when adjusted, and red eye mode seems to do absolutely nothing!

I took some film shots as well, but it will be a while before I get to a lab...

So I'll probably try for a reshoot this afternoon, if the little bugger will cooperate, He just nursed down to a nap. Hopefully he'll wake up in a good mood...

Here are a couple of this morning's attempts:

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