Wishing everyone a belated Happy New Year! I can't believe how long it has been since I blogged.
I'm just getting over a nasty cold that I caught from my parents, when they came up to visit us the weekend after Christmas. Major sore throat, and snotty nose. I am so exhausted that my body craves sleep. All I've been taking for this are herbal tea and the occassional swig of Nyquil at night... But it seems to be getting better.
Today Mikro actually napped. Rather than do something constructive, like continue our frantic baby proofing, or do the piles of laundry, I instead leapt at the chance to get on the computer for the first time since Christmas day and catch up on my blog buddies. My blog roll is, as hubby says, freaking ridiculous long, but I have gotten about three quarters of the way through. Thank you, sleepy baby boy.
Yesterday was errand day. Did the grocery shopping, ate lunch out at the local family friendly Italian restaurant, and picked up three pairs of jeans for Mikro at Goodwill for four bucks. I can't believe he has actually outgrown all his jeans... He's 8 and a half months old now, and wearing 12 to 18 month sizes.
Saturday was fun-- we had a visit from Kev's sister, her hubby and kids. Mikro has three girl cousins who dote on him. The girls are really sweet, and so smart!
Friday I was still fairly sick, and got a bit of a shock when my SIL called to ask what time tomorrow we expected them--er, we expected them Sunday, which made for a bit of frantic cleaning up, but worked out fine, because I had already cancelled my Saturday doctor's appointment due to my stupid cold. Had a bit of unnecessary drama when Mikro decided to fling himself off the bed while I attempted to clean up after changing a massively poopy diaper, but I managed, just barely, to catch him before he could hit the floor head first.
Thursday was New Year's Day, and Kev was home. I can't remember what we did-- I think we vegged out watching DVDs and eating takeout pizza.
Wednesday, New Year's Eve, Kev had to work. I was sick as a dog, and am lucky Mikro survived the day, because I was really groggy and out of it, and he was up to his usual Danger Boy antics... We called our parents early and were upstairs in bed, watching Jay Leno and trying to convince Mikro to sleep, when the ball dropped.
It seems really sad to say goodbye to 2003, because it was the Year of Mikro. He's growing up all too fast, and the changing year is just another reminder that my sweet baby won't be a baby much longer. Looking back over the passing year usually makes me depressed and unsatisfied, but this is the first year in ten that all I feel is quiet joy. I have my precious baby. All else pales in comparison, even my disability, which is usually what I am so busy regretting and being miserable about...
Tuesday was my first day of sniffles, and a major laundry effort.
Monday my Dad came up to pick up my Mom and see his grandson for Christmas. He was really impressed, since he hasn't been here in three months, and the boy is now a crawling, cruising little terror. Finally at the stage where my Dad isn't afraid he will break.
Mom came up Saturday afternoon and stayed through Monday. She is totally completely head over heels over her grandson, and they had fun together playing with all Mikro's Christmas loot. He is, however, inexplicably terrified of the Glo-worm. He cries hysterically when it goes off. Weird.
That's pretty much all we've been up to.
Kev just called me over because the Boy has developed some yucky discharge from one eye. It's not as bad as he made me think it was, but definitely something to watch. I'll probably squirt it with a little breastmilk tonight, and call the pediatrician if it doesn't improve in a couple of days... He's probably caught my cold, poor little man.
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